Citizen Charter


       The Department has provided the following Pre-Requisite and infrastructural facilities for the development of Fisheries Sector in Lakshadweep. The principal objectives of the Directorate of Fisheries are planning and developing of landing, berthing, distribution and marketing of fish, extending financial assistance and coordinating the  program for supply of the input and providing training and improving the economic condition of the fisherman.  To achieve these objectives Directorate of Fisheries has initiated different schemes relating to.


  • Mechanization of Fishing Crafts          
  • Marine Workshop
  • Supply of HSD Oil on subsidized cost
  • Selling of Spare parts for various types of Diesel Engines, Out Board Motors, Boat Building materials and Fishery Requisites etc.
  • Registration of Fishing Vessels and issuing Fishing License under Lakshadweep Marine Fishing Regulation 2000.



            The Department has been formulating and implementing various developmental programs. The major and important program   was the   mechanization of fishing by introducing Mechanized boats. Tuna is the only abundant resource of the sea around   Lakshadweep  on which  now   the Fisheries Development is established. Specially designed mechanized boats have been introduced   for catching tuna using the typical  method   of “Pole-and line live bait Fishing”. Under this program such type of fishing boats have been   constructed/ procured and supplied to  the   fishermen on subsidy under hire purchase system. The present pattern of subsidy allowed   is  20% on the cost hull and the 25% on the  cost of   engine. So far 503 mechanized boats of 25 feet 30 feet and 34 feet such type of   boats and 7 nos of 38 feet boats have been  supplied  to the   Fishermen. Besides these, boat building materials procured for the repair   and maintenance of the fishing boats are also  supplied to the fishermen.  Fishing in Minicoy is tuna oriented and the introduction of pole   and line bait fishing is a milestone in the fishing  community of the Island.           

            No. of boats between 19 feet to 30 feet                                    : 9 nos.

            No. of boats between 30 feet to 45 feet                                    : 50 nos.

            No. of traditional craft fitted with & with outboard engine          : 126 nos.



            This is another developmental program implemented in support of the first program.
Under these program marine engines and out board motors are supplied at full cost under hire purchase system to the fishermen by the   Department. The inboard engines are supplied for the replacements of old and irreparable engines of fishing boats acquired by the   fishermen   earlier, the engine of which became irreparable in long run and for installation in the new mechanized boats constructed by   the fishermen   themselves. Out board motor are also supplied at full cost under hire purchase system to the traditional fisherman for the   motorization to the   country crafts used for fishing. Besides these, Navigational Equipments like Global Positioning System (GPS) and   Very High Frequency   (VHF)   communication sets are also supplied at full cost under hire purchase system as Navigation Aids. The   table below gives the details on  supply of   inboard engines and out board motors.


DETAILS OF SUPPLY OF ENGINES & NAVIGATION EQUIPMENTS                                                      


 Inboard Engines 

Out Board Motors



 2000-2009   5 Nos.    11 Nos.  6 Nos.     2 Nos.

          It is a known fact that the Department of Fisheries supplying Boat Building Materials to the Village Moopans of Village House   and   constructed Mechanized boats by the respective Village House and the same is allotted to the Moopan under Hire purchase   system. Total no   of   mechanized boat constructed is 5 numbers.

         The implementation of the above program had great impact in fish production. The fish catch during 1960's when the planned   development program started was hardly 90 tones (using primitive methods of fishing). Now on an average basis the fish catches has   been    increased to 1605 tones/year. The fish landing in Minicoy from 1999 to 2009 are as shown below:         

Year Total Catch
1999 2302.220
2000 1056.470
2001 1143.463
2002 1821.685
2003 2400.413
2004 2085.148
2005 2527.022
2006 2308.630
2007 2448.623


2009 3667.211


            The Department has established one Marine fisheries works shop with all machineries and tools for repair and maintenance of   fishing   boats in all fisheries units. The incidental and annual repair and maintenance of these boats are carried out in the workshop   collecting a   nominal  repair charge and undertaking the dept. boat repairs as well. Besides these, all the spare parts of various types of   Marine Diesel   engines, Out   Board Motors, materials required for maintenance of boats are also supplied to fishermen by the   department.


            Lakshadweep Marine fishing Regulation 2000 the Marine Regulation 2001 have been implemented vide notification No.   19/11/99  dated   28/11/2000. Lakshadweep Marine Fishing Regulation 2000 (LMFR) came into force in the year 2002 with the view   of conservation   of   marine   fishery resources and to prevent the entry of foreign vessels to carry fishing operations in our waters.   Under this act each state is  permitted to   frame the rules and regulations for use of the territorial waters pertaining to the state.   (Territorial waters means 12 nautical miles   from the shore   line and in case of Lakshadweep from the reef of the island) Lakshadweep   islands have a very fragile ecosystem and if these   islands are not   protected and conserved, many living resources would be in danger.  As per the provision of this regulation all fishing craft are  to  be registered   and licensed for fishing. The lagoons and waters around our   islands are highly rich in marine fishery resources and hence  these   regulations are   imperative for the optimal use of our marine fishery   resources to conserve them for our future generations and to avoid  disputes   among the   fishermen/boat-owners. It is a known fact   that  almost 99% of the fishing craft have been registered and licensed here  till date and is   continuing.   Registration details are given   below. Violation of Regulations is liable to be punished under relevant rules.                  

            No. of Mechanized boats                                                  : 59 Nos.

            No. of Traditional Craft fitted with Outboard Machine       : 126 Nos.

            Total Number of License Issued                                        : 166 Nos.

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